
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Pressure from Iraqi people force Maliki to deny US occupiers immunity from prosecution

The US has a good deal in Iraq. After a million people or so have been killed, not to mention the years of sanctions, the US will still get paid for training the troops of its puppet regime and supply the weapons and ammunition and all other sorts of military hardware. Given the state of the US economy and the debt crisis, this is good for business.

But the anti-US sentiment is strong enough among the population that the regime wasn't able to allow US mercenaries (contractors) or troops to rape and or kill without fear of prosecution. The US wanted complete immunity from prosecution for any US personnel.

"The U.S. had offered to keep thousands of troops in Iraq but insisted they be shielded from prosecution or lawsuits. Iraq rejected that demand." according to reports in the media.

Voting for Obama really changed things didn't it?

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