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Saturday, October 29, 2011
OWS movement and demands.
I am a bit confused about the debate on demands and the OWS movement. It seems clear that the 1% versus 99% idea is widespread in this movement. And that the movement opposes this. So how can there be opposition to a demand to end this. That is to end the situation where 1% have such wealth and to have a more equitable society. I am a socialist and hold much more radical views than this (see some ideas for demands I put up earlier on this blog) but I have no problem with being part of a movement which would have this demand. Do those who say no demands just want to point out that 1% have the wealth but say nothing about anything to be done about this, to not say "demand" that this be ended. ? I feel that ending this situation is the very minimum that the movement should demand. To say that the movement should confine itself to educating people as some people say about the inequality in society is in my opinion to underestimate peoples consciousness. People already know about the great inequality in society. The opinion polls show this.
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