
Friday, February 11, 2011

What can bring the Egyptian regime down.

In the last few days increasing numbers of workers have come out on strike and joined the movement against the regime. This entry of more of the working class, especially the organized working class, into the movement is a great step forward. In fact the movement we have been watching the past two weeks arose out of a background of rising anger and struggles of workers in workplaces over the past couple of years. This is the most under reported fact of the Egyptian uprising. That is the role of the workers' movement in preparing the way for this great movement.

This increasing movement of workers from the workplaces is a major step forward. It also shows the way in which the movement can be successful. A country wide general strike is what is now called for. This would paralyze the country and economy and linked with the occupation and take over of factories and an appeal to the rank and file of the army would bring the regime to its knees. In particular such a strike should involve the workers who operate the Suez canal. Bring all traffic in the Suez canal to a stop. This would involve the entire world economy and bring the regime to an end.

The movement in Egyptian is brilliant and inspiring. What is needed now is the working class to more decisively organize itself and take the leadership of the movement and appeal to the ranks of the army.


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