
Friday, February 11, 2011

Staggering hypocrisy of Obama's speech on behalf of US Imperialism.

I was enraged by Obama's speech. Here he is associating himself and US governments present and past with the movement that has overthrown Mubarak. But he made never a mention that the only reason that Mubarak lasted for thirty years was because US governments and US Imperialism supported him militarily and financially throughout this entire period. He was their man, his regime was one of their main regimes in Arab world. Obama and US Imperialism are making a mistake if they think that the Arab masses do not remember this, that the Egyptian people will forget that what they suffered was only possible because of US Imperialism's support for the Mubarak regime. It was so bad that US Imperialism sent illegally seized people to the Mubarak regime to have them tortured. Now Obama and US Imperialism are trying to pose as democrats and friends of the Egyptian people. They will not get away with this.


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