
Friday, February 11, 2011

Egyptian revolution forces Mubarak out as US capitalist politicians intensify their assault on US workers preparing the ground for similar developments here.

So Mubarak's resigned and what a short speech.  Following the young Egyptian men and women on twitter should make all workers proud; we are all Egyptians today as they say.

It is amazing how all the torturers and crooks of the world that get rich off the backs of working people, exploiting our Labor and murdering and torturing us when we resist always quote some god of one type or another.  It's always in god's hands.  "god guides us now".  What makes them so afraid of ordinary working class people conscious, in struggle, involved in attempting to shape or own future and the future of the planet. Who was "guiding" us before? Any force, a military dictatorship, the Muslim Brotherhood, is preferable to the capitalist class than a government of the workers as they will preserve the market and capitalism.

In their stepped up offensive against US workers, the capitalist politicians in the US House of Representatives announced yesterday that they would present a budget with “deeper budget cuts for the year than they had planned” The Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, Hal Rogers, said that they will be introducing a spending bill that cuts a further $26 billion on top of the $35 billion already announced.

As I sit writing this blog I feel this anger inside as I long for the day that these thugs tremble at the fear of a rising movement of the US working class against their looting of society on behalf of the corporations. They are overconfident indeed but the fact that they are confident at all bothers me. “Our intent is to make deep but manageable cuts in nearly every area of government.” says Rogers, they intend to “leave no stone unturned and allowing no agency or program to be held sacred.” he adds.

“Even with Mr. Roger’s $26 billion of additional cuts, some conservatives were still clamoring for more.” The Wall Street Journal reports today. The results of the actions of these fine gentlemen would be the elimination of more than 100 government programs, among them family planning programs for the poor and other such wasteful expenditures. What’s not among them is the government’s tax gifts to the rich and the corporations, the interest on debt and the right of private business, the parasitic hedge funds and private equity crowd, to keep their dealings and financial swindling secret.

One of the conservative Republicans from an Arizonan ranching family, Jeff Flake, is happy about the cuts under the guise of cutting government waste, “I think they are coming round”, he says, “But we have to go for significantly more.” Flake is a former Mormon missionary known as a fiscal conservative in the lingo of bourgeois politics. After voting against bailout and stimulus packages (for a different reason that those on this blog would opposes such actions) he said that to have done otherwise would, “Fundamentally alter the relationship between the federal government and the private sector. Once we go down this road, it’s going to be very difficult to turn back.”

He is right; it would weaken the bond between the state and and the class it represents.  It would undermine the view propagated by the capitalist class through its control of the media and all institutions of learning that private ownership of the means of production and the economic levers of society is the only system of production possible.  Flake spent time in Africa spreading his version of Christianity and economic justice, both of which, Africans have had heavy and destructive doses of.

Other representatives in the House, this "den of iniquity", this "slough of despond" to quote someone I had to read as a child in school are also business owners and millionaires of one sort or another, Steve Southerland from Florida was Chairman of his local Chamber of Commerce branch and owns a funeral business and is part owner of two other businesses.  Starving the poor will bring him more customers while keeping his activities free of regulation or public scrutiny will keep profits safe and secure.

We can and should put the fear of god in to these people as the Egyptian masses have with their US puppet regime headed by Hosni Mubarak.  The Egyptian masses have shattered the myth put forward by the pessimists and the liberals that workers will not fight; American workers are no exception, we have a proud revolutionary history of struggle from the revolution itself, the formation of workers' organizations, the struggle of the specially oppressed minorities against one of the most racist and repressive regimes leading up to the civil rights movement of the 50.s and 60s, and the great upsurge that built the industrial Unions in the 1930's. The and the events in Egypt are a great inspiration to all of us and a road we can and should travel to turn back the tide here in the US.

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