
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

CNN and Anderson Cooper cover for the US government's dirty tricks and lying to the American people

I have just watched the first 2O minutes or so of CNN, Anderson Cooper in Egypt.  I actually heard Anderson Cooper being informed about the  size of the Egyptian security forces at somewhere around 1.6 million and the corruption and thuggery and torture that the people have suffered under the Mubarak dictatorship.

And Cooper responds as if it's all a surprise to him. No mention of the propping up of Mubarak by the US taxpayer. No mention that the US government is complicit in this.  What pimps these newspeople are.  The US blocks Al Jazeera in the main.  "We are not available in the majority of the 50 states for much of the general public." Al Jazeera says.  Al Jazeera is blocked by the US and banned by its puppet Mubarak, that tells all.  Al Jazeera claims its has seen a 2000% increase in hits on its English language website claiming that more than 60% of the traffic is from the US.

"We believe all Americans, not just those in senior governmental positions, could benefit from having the option to watch Al Jazeera English - or at least having the option not to watch us - on their television screens." Al Jazeera says.
The funny thing is that US bigwigs, policy makers and politicians follow it, but the US working class are denied access to it in the same way we are to Fox, the BBC or CNN.  What are they afraid of?  Here's a clue.

As we shared on this blog a couple of days ago, WikiLeaks has released more diplomatic cables confirming what we already know, that the US government has known about the torture and violence committed against the Egyptian population by the Mubarak regime's security apparatus for a long time. The cables also reveal that the plan to transfer power from Hosni Mubarak to his son, Gamal, were also presented to Washington.

We shared some information with our readers reminding us of what Obama said of Mubarak August 2009:  "I am grateful to President Mubarak for his visit, for his willingness to work with us on these critical issues, and to help advance the interest of peace and prosperity around the world." What garbage and the president knew it.

Anderson Cooper doesn't know this also?

We also pointed out, and this is now no secret, that as far back as January 2009, three years ago, one cable reveals,  the US ambassador to Egypt, Margaret Scobey, said that torture by the Egyptian security forces was “routine and pervasive” and that “police using force to extract confessions from criminals is a daily event.” There are "literally hundreds of torture incidents every day in Cairo police stations alone.”  Washington was told.

Anderson Cooper is not aware fo this? He doesn't read the papers, the New York Times or the Washington Post?  He doesn't read the foreign press. He should surely tune in to Al Jazeera.  What sort of newsman would he be if he wasn't aware of this information?

Yet this was not mentioned so far on CNN and his report from Egypt.  Not only that, he expects us to believe that reports of torture and violence on the part of the massive US armed security forces there and reports of the nature of the Mubarak regime are news to him. Is this doing justice to the American people? Is this something we can be proud of or should ignore?  How can we talk of freedom and democracy when a major national news organization, one of the better ones as Fox is a blatant fabricator of the truth and not ashamed of it, keeps these facts from the American people.

In a truly democratic society there would be a major open discussion about it wouldn't there? The US mass media is the most unfree and censored in the advanced capitalist countries and certainly more censored than Al Jazeera.

When the class struggle breaks in to the open, all sorts of details are revealed.  But we have to pay a little attention ourselves.

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