
Friday, February 11, 2011

Call for 20 million Egyptians to protest on Friday (today)

Suleiman calls on protesters to go home and talks of unity but no one believes him.  He is the CIA's man in Egypt and a torturer.  What is the situation in the military?  It's hard to tell, but there is no way that there are not divisions and strains in the military given the circumstances; it is not devoid of class antagonisms.  Military spokespersons have pledged not to fire on the Egyptian people but Mubarak did not resign stoking further anger and placing further pressure on the military to act.

I have been following Egyptian bloggers on twitter as others have and some have said there are calls for 20 million Egyptians to protest today after Friday prayers.

The events in the Arab world are uplifting and the Arab masses are an inspiration to all working class people.  But these situations do not last forever and one side has to enforce its will on the other. If you haven't read it, there is a very interesting analysis of the situation below, "Egyptian Workers Take the Lead".

Solidarity with the Egyptian workers and youth

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