
Friday, January 21, 2011

War criminal Tony Blair heckled by parents at sham hearing.

Look at me, aren't I tough, just like W.

The charade goes on in London as the war criminal and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair appears before a panel questioning him yet again about his role in the Iraq slaughter.

The Panel’s job is merely to “clarify” the issue. Blair gave what was called an “emotional” apology to the families of British troops killed in Iraq and to the loss of Iraqi lives but the mothers of the dead didn’t buy it. Some parents walked out and others heckled Blair:

"You're a disgrace to your office and our country," one man shouted.
"Your lies killed my son, I hope you can live with yourself," shouted one mother.

It turns out Blair had promised the imbecile Bush that Britain could be “counted on” long before any decision was made by the British Parliament let alone the British people. Blair was also advised that the legal case for the invasion was weak as he called for a “gung ho” approach to the war. It's easy to be tough when others do the fighting and the opponent is way outgunned.

Blair had a lot to say in notes and telephone messages that he sent to Bush and Powell who also lied to the UN about evidence they had in order to make the case for the invasion, "The persuasion job on this seems very tough. My own side are worried" writes Blair, “Public opinion is fragile. International opinion — as I found at the EU — is pretty skeptical," He told Powell that "we have to reorder our story and message," in order to convince people that the murder of a million or two Iraqi’s and the destruction of the country was the right thing to do.

The Panel, “won't apportion blame, or establish criminal or civil liability” the AP reported today. Well, that’s handy isn’t it? These people are murderers, ruthless thugs. Blair, Kissinger, Rumsfeld, Powell, Bush, Condoleeza Rice, and others are free people living peaceful lives and raking in the dough while working class youth, unable to find jobs at home due to their policies are left with the military as the best option for making a living.

These people have no conscience and are the worst representatives of humanity. They are living proof that humans can act in a way we describe as inhuman. They can afford to be arrogant, as representatives of the ruling class nothing will happen to them for their crimes. They will not have to pay for their crimes. Only a workers’ government will be able to make them pay, can bring them to justice.

Arrogant (and most workers would say stupid) as ever, Blair urged Western leaders to confront a growing threat posed by Iran. "This is a looming and coming challenge," Blair said, and urged “decisive action”. Iran is "negative, it is destabilizing, it is supportive of terrorist groups. It is doing everything it can to impede progress in the Middle East." Blair went on.

Just the two of us, we can make it if we try.
AP reported that, “Under questioning, Blair angrily denied the decision to invade Iraq had emboldened neighboring Iran, or encouraged Tehran to press ahead with its attempts to develop nuclear weapons.” Oh, really Tony. How come Bush never dropped bombs on North Korea? Duh!, as we say. This blog obviously opposes the dictatorial and theocratic regime of the Mullahs in Iran. But maybe Americans are more afraid of Iran than the rest of the world as the US media is so censored and controlled, more than any mass media in the advanced capitalist countries. Iran hasn’t destabilized the Middle East, US capitalism and its proxy, Israel has.

The entity most feared by the workers of the world is the US government/Pentagon alliance, not Iran.

Blair, like his US counterparts can afford to be arrogant. He will not be prosecuted for his crimes. He will not go to jail and he will be seen in photo ops with religious figures and coming out of church here and there. He will be paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for speaking tours just like Kissinger, the mass murderer supreme is. (Kissinger and Barbra Streisand were all hugs the other day in the paper, it shows you where she’s at).

British authorities are refusing to make public the notes revealing the discussions between Blair and Bush that the panel saw.  It's another reason these people are so arrogant and confident, their state and legal system is there to protect them, another reason for us to defend Wikileaks and Julian Assange and demand that Bradley Manning be freed.

Blair should not be too overconfident though; he may end up as a neighbor to Tunisia’s Ben Ali in Jedda.

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