
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Thousands demonstrate for reforms in Yemen

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There appears to be no stopping it so far. Tens of thousands of people have hit the streets in Yemen, another US supported corrupt regime. Yemen’s government Wikileaks revealed is the regime that publicly insisted its own military carried out counter-terrorism operations in the country when in fact the US was responsible for cruise missile attacks. In December last year, one cruise missile attack killed dozens of civilians but was presented publicly as the work of the Yemeni government. A released Wikileaks cable from the US ambassador stated: "Yemen insisted it must 'maintain the status quo' regarding the official denial of US involvement.” The latent anger at the US role in the entire Arab world is so great that secrecy was maintained.

That anger at their own leaders in Yemen and the US role in supporting dictators in the region has burst out in to the open. No words about democracy and justice coming from US representatives like Hilary Clinton or Barak Obama will fool the Arab workers and middle class after years of suffering under US supported dictatorships of one sort or another.

Reports coming out of the Middle East say that tens of thousand have taken to the streets in Yemen’s capital Sanaa calling for an end to the government and its president, Ali Abdullah Saleh to resign after being in power for 32 years. Like Egypt, Jordan and Algeria The Yemeni people have been inspired by the Tunisian revolution. Also, authorities on Sunday arrested the leader of student rallies against the government in the capital Sanaa and later released him.

Organizers said that having the demonstration in four separate parts of the capital was aimed at distracting the security forces. Supporters of the government also held rallies.
What a great start to the New Year. These developments as we have said are a nightmare for US imperialism that props up most of these regimes in one way or another.

As one comment on the previous blog about the savage attacks that Jerry Brown and the Republicans and Democrats are waging on US workers with the support of the heads of organized Labor pointed out, there must be similar events take place in the US at some point in time. Indeed there will be. The assault on workers will intensify during the rest of the year and while we can’t predict when a more generalized and militant movement will arise we should not be caught off guard. Conditions in the US are deteriorating for workers, youth and the middle class and potential explosions exist everywhere.

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