
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Nat'l White House call-in day to support Bradley Manning, Feb. 3

Nat'l White House call-in day to support Bradley Manning, Feb. 3 

Call 202-456-1414 Thursday to voice your support for accused WikiLeaks whistle-blower Army PFC Bradley Manning. Express your concern that his human rights need to be respected by the Quantico VA brig authorities.

Military statements "patently false"
Bradley Manning is not being treated like other inmates! This week's replacement of Quantico brig commander provides military opportunity to end abuse.

Amnesty International protests abuse
Program Director Susan Lee, Americas Regional Program, writes open letter to Secretary of Defense Robert Gates.

Manning's lawyer describes confinement (link only)
Attorney David Coombs explains, "[Bradley Manning] is the only detainee being held in Maximum (MAX) custody and under Prevention of Injury (POI) watch. Every other detainee is being held in Medium Detention In (MDI) and without POI watch restrictions. What is the difference?"

Nat'l White House call-in day to support Bradley Manning, Thursday, February 3rd
White House switchboard: 202-456-1414  
White House comments:  202-456-1111

 Bradley Manning Support Network

Call the White House Thursday, February 3, 2011, to voice your support for accused WikiLeaks whistle-blower US Army PFC Bradley Manning. Express your concern that Bradley's human rights need to be respected by the Quantico, Virginia, brig authorities.

Bradley has been held in solitary confinement-like conditions for over eight months, and his trial is still months away. This American citizen-soldier has been convicted of no crime, yet continues to endure inhumane conditions of pre-trial confinement like no other inmate at the Marine Corps brig at Quantico. White House press secretary Robert Gibbs recently stated that the White House was not paying attention to Bradley Manning's extreme confinement conditions, or the fact that recently pre-approved visitors of Bradley's have been detained and interrogated by military police in order to block their scheduled visit. It is critical that we educate the White House of this ongoing injustice!

Read the recommended points to make...

Military statements regarding Bradley Manning "patently false"

Replacement of Quantico brig commander provides military opportunity to end mistreatment of alleged WikiLeaks whistle-blower

"[Pentagon Press Secretary Geoff] Morrell stated during today's Pentagon briefing that PFC Manning's 'confinement is not in the least different from the manner in which anyone else at the brig is being held.' This statement is patently false." -Attorney David Coombs

By the Bradley Manning Support Network. 28 January 2011

QUANTICO, Virginia, -- Supporters of accused WikiLeaks whistle-blower US Army PFC Bradley Manning are calling for Manning's detention status to be changed from maximum to medium security, that the "prevention of injury" (POI) order be lifted, and for the military to cease using "suicide watch" for punitive purposes. Without cause, Manning is the only inmate at Quantico subjected to either "max" confinement or POI. The lifting of these classifications would allow Manning to move outside his cell without restraints, perform jobs within the brig and have social interaction with other inmates.

This week the Marine Corps replaced brig commander Chief Warrant Officer 4 (CWO4) James Averhart with Chief Warrant Officer 2 (CWO2) Denise Barnes, stating that the change was a pre-planned rotation that was not "situationally driven.

"Pre-trial confinement is supposed to be about ensuring a servicemember's presence at court martial, yet for eight months now Bradley Manning has been subjected to extreme pre-trial punishment through the arbitrary use of the maximum classification and the 'prevention of injury' order. We certainly hope that the new Quantico brig commander will finally treat Manning as other inmates," stated Jeff Paterson, Oakland, California-based project director of Courage to Resist and a member of the Bradley Manning Support Network.


Write a personal appeal for Bradley's human rights to:

Quantico Base Commander; Colonel Daniel Choike; 3250 Catlin Avenue, Quantico VA 22134; +1-703-432-0289 (Media Officer phone)
Quantico Brig Commanding Officer; CWO2 Denise Barnes; 3247 Elrod Avenue, Quantico VA 22134. Note that CWO2 Barnes replaced CWO4 Averhart on January 24, 2011.

Amnesty Int'l protests Bradley Manning abuse

By Susan Lee, Amnesty International Program Director, Americas Regional Program. January 19, 2011

Dear Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates, I am writing to express concern about the conditions under which Private First Class (PFC) Bradley Manning is detained at the Quantico Marine Corps Base in Virginia.

We are informed that, since July 2010, PFC Manning has been confined for 23 hours a day to a single cell, measuring around 72 square feet (6.7 square metres) and equipped only with a bed, toilet and sink. There is no window to the outside, the only view being on to a corridor through the barred doors of his cell. All meals are taken in his cell, which we are told has no chair or table. He has no association or contact with other pre-trial detainees and he is allowed to exercise, alone, for just one hour a day, in a day-room or outside.

Contact Courage To Resist At:

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