
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Free Bradley Manning: Demo at Quantico Virginia

If Bradley Manning is the person that released the information out to Wikileaks so we could see and read the truth, he is a hero for doing it; it is not something we should apologize for. The war criminals are walking around free and the person who exposed them is in jail.
Richard M

Video: Bradley Manning supporters rally at Quantico; 30k petitions protesting inhumane conditions to be delivered

From Courage to Resist:
Quantico, Virginia (January 17, 2011) - Over 150 concerned citizens risked arrest today at the gates to the Marine Corps base at Quantico in order to protest the inhumane conditions that accused WikiLeaks whistle-blower Army Pfc. Bradley Manning has been held in for seven months and counting. Supporters marched towards the base front gate chanting "Free Bradley Manning!," approximately a mile from the brig where Bradley has been held in solitary confinement for the last five months, before being stopped by Marine MP's. CodePink activists had collected a care package for Bradley that included a blanket, a Snuggie, cookies, books and music. Unfortunately and unsurprisingly, it was rejected by the Marines. Earlier in the day, many of these activists rallied outside FBI Headquarters in Washington DC to protest the September raids on anti-war organizers in Chicago and Minneapolis.

These actions were organized by a wide range of organizations, including: the Defending Dissent Foundation,, Bradley Manning Support Network, DC Bill of Right Coalition, Progressive Democrats of America, World Can't Wait, DC National Lawyers Guild, CodePink, Peace Action, United for Peace and Justice, Witness Against Torture, Backbone Campaign, Courage to Resist, and others.

Meanwhile, the website will be delivering over 30,000 petition signatures this weekend to Quantico urging that Bradley Manning be treated humanely. There is still time to add your name today here.

Former Quantico commander objects to Manning treatment
From David C. MacMichael to the Commandant of the Marine Corps, General James F. Amos.
January 19, 2011

As a former regular Marine Corps captain, a Korean War combat veteran, now retired on Veterans Administration disability due to wounds suffered during that conflict, I write you to protest and express concern about the confinement in the Quantico Marine Corps Base brig of US Army Pfc. Bradley Manning...I urge you to use your authority to make the conditions of Pfc. Manning's confinement less extreme. Read more...

Act to end the inhumane treatment of Bradley Manning
We need your help in pressing the following demands: End the inhumane, degrading conditions of pre-trial confinement and respect Bradley's human rights. Specifically, lift the "Prevention of Injury (POI) watch order". This would allow Bradley meaningful physical exercise, uninterrupted sleep during the night, and a release from isolation. We are not asking for "special treatment". In fact, we are demanding an immediate end to the special treatment.

Quantico Base Commander; Colonel Daniel Choike; 3250 Catlin Avenue, Quantico VA 22134; +1-703-432-0289 (Media Officer phone)
Quantico Brig Commanding Officer; CWO4 James Averhart; 3247 Elrod Avenue, Quantico VA 22134
New highlighted articles

Courage to Resist and Bradley Manning
Interview with Jeff Paterson. January 18, 2011
Dr. King and Manning show way to revolution of values
By Margaret Flowers, MD. January 18, 2011
Manning walking in the footsteps of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
By Kevin Zeese, Voters for Peace. January 18, 2011
How Is Bradley Manning really being treated?
By David Swanson, January 15, 2011
From last week

Bradley Manning speaks about his conditions
( By David House. December 23, 2010
Psychologists for Social Responsibility issue open letter regarding Manning confinement
Released January 4, 2011
Updates from the legal team: Speedy trial, confinement conditions update, and motion to dismiss
By Bradley's lead attorney David Coombs. January 13, 2011
Bradley Manning and the rule of law
By Kevin Zeese, executive director of Voters for Peace. January 11, 2011

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