
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Demonstrations and huge Protests in Egypt; three dead

The massive demonstrations in Egypt where three people have died, two demonstrators and a policeman have shaken the regime of Hosni Mubarak which has lasted thirty years.  The US must be extremely worried about the situation int he Middle East as the dictators it supports and finances are under threat.  The Mubarak regime is a ruthless regime that is reknowned for the torture and murder of any opposition to its rule.  You would think that democratic loving US politicians would welcome the protests and the weakening of such a regime but  all we have heard so far is US secretary of state Hillary Clinton asserting in a press conference that "Egypt's government is stable."  Let's hope she's proven wrong.
Al Jazeera has some reports on the days events.

1 comment:

  1. Mubarek has been able to remain in power in part due to US support. Mubarek is extremely hostile to Iran, so the US counts on Egypt as an ally against Iran. The problem is that the Muslim Brotherhoo­d has wanted to operate freely in Egypt, and Mubarek has treated it like subversive­s. Only time will tell if Mubarek is able to ride it out and pass power onto his son.
