
Thursday, January 20, 2011

China/US get together.

For the first time US capitalism has treated the Chinese elite to a visit on an equal basis. This reflects the rise of China in the world of economy and world military might. There were plenty of smiles and handshakes but there were also plenty of concealed tensions .

China is the US's largest banker and now looks to be the number two economy in the world. It is also increasingly expanding its economic investments into Latin America and Africa and Australia. US capitalism does not like this. In a poll Americans were asked which economy would be number one in twenty years 38% said China and 37% said the US.

14 US corporate heads and 4 Chinese corporate heads met to discuss how to more thoroughly exploit Chinese labor. US capitalism tries to con US workers into seeing China as the problem and taking jobs away from the US. But it is mainly the US corporations who ship their production overseas to have access to the cheap Chinese labor that is at the root of the problem. Both the Chinese elite who wield the military force and keep down their own working class and the US corporate, that is capitalist, class who want the Chinese working class to be kept down and work for nothing, agree they want to keep Chinese labor cheap. This is what undermines US labor.

The solution is simple. The union leaders organize to unite the Chinese working class and the US and international working class to bring all labor up to a standard which can give all a decent life.

The other friction points between US capitalism and the Chinese elite, North Korea, the value of the Chinese currency, were mentioned but not insisted upon. The idea of this meeting was to establish working relations on a better footing. This consisted of US capitalism being a little less arrogant and recognizing that it was dealing with a serious rival which it could not push around at will.

I see the mass murderer and war criminal got into the act. I am talking of Kissinger. It is an indication of how far away Hu and the Chinese elite are from the working class and socialist and revolutionary ideas that they met with this war criminal who helped slaughter millions in South East Asia.

And as I said where were the US labor leaders? They should have welcomed Hu and confronted Obama all at the one time. The issue should have been democratic union rights for all, a decent living standard for all, organize the unorganized, for a democratic socialist world.

Remember keep campaigning for the release of Bradley Manning and the defense of wikileaks and Assange.


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