
Monday, March 15, 2010

With Little Debate or Dissent, the Democrats and Republicans combine to destroy worker's living standards

The Wall Street Journal had an interesting report this morning.  In a column a couple inches long tucked within the US watch section and containing about 90 words, this journal of finance capital informs us that the Virginia General Assembly "Passes Deep Cuts to Services in Budget." 

The budget that was passed was a "compromise"  between the House and the Senate.  The compromise cuts  $250 million from pubic education.  It "retains" Medicaid reimbursement cuts of 7% for hospitals, nursing homes, doctors and other health professionals the short report says.

The only group compromised is workers and the middle class as the two parties of capital that have a monopoly on political power in the US ensure that the capitalist class are not forced to pay for the economic crisis that their policies has created.  The Journal is quite clear about this, telling the reader that this legal savaging of public services was passed, "With little debate or dissent."

A mass independent workers party rooted in our communities, organizations and workplaces would make this "little debate or dissent" atmosphere a thing of the past.  It would change the balance of class forces in the political arena.  The heads of organized Labor refuse to take this path which ensures that we suffer greater hardship than wee need and delays the organized opposition to the capitalist offensive. But there is already the beginnings of an opposition to the increasing and unprecedented attacks as witnessed by the successful March 4th events in California as well as throughout the US and world.

One thing is absolutely clear, we cannot rely on Democrats to defend us, this has been proven time and again.  An independent worker's party is an integral part of our strategy along the path to victory.

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