
Friday, February 19, 2010

Veterans organizations unite against the war. Please support.

We who run this blog are much more critical of Obama and his wars than the statement below. We believe the wars and occupations abroad are the result of the policies of the US corporations, that is US imperialism, and that Obama is consciously acting on their behalf. We also believe that these policies hurt all working people internationally and also at home here in the US. However in the spirit of solidarity and in unity against the Iraq war we reprint and distribute the unity statement below from these three veteran's organizations. Please pass on and where possible organize support and events at which these people can speak.

Statement of Unity

As we mark the beginning of the 8th year of the war in Iraq, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Military Families Speak Out and Veterans For Peace stand united in our call to bring all troops home and take care of them when they get here.

Although we are heartened by President Obama?s promise to bring all troops home from Iraq by August, we are saddened and outraged by the losses and injuries that continue to be incurred by service members and their families, and untold numbers of Iraqis. We also ask, with the economic crisis and it?s ?jobless recov ery? and the impact of the mortgage and credit crises, to what will the troops be coming home and who and what will they be leaving behind?

Our service members are coming home to a system and structure that is woefully inadequate to address their physical, economic and mental health needs. In a devastated economy, the needs of their families and support systems are unmet and grow increasingly inadequate and substandard.

With the removal of troops, we know that non-combat troops and permanent bases are being left in Iraq that will continue to drain U.S. resources both human and financial, and have a deleterious impact on the people of Iraq.

Finally, we stand firm in shared opposition to the expansion of war in Afghanistan and the escalating death and destruction due to war. For our troops to come home from often multiple deployments in Iraq and turn around to redeploy to Afghanistan, for another war without solution or strategy, is no victory for anyone, but is a loss for everyone.

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