
Sunday, January 31, 2010

US Baptists stealing Haitian children--part of centuries of plunder in Haiti by US imperialism

So some US Baptists have been detained trying to kidnap 33 children from Haiti after the devastting earthquake that hit this month. The Christians claimed that they were trying to rescue "abandoned and traumatized" children. The group were members of "Haitian Orphan Rescue Mission" and claimed they were trying to get the children to the safety of an orphanage in the Dominican Republic according to reports in the mass media.

Of course, this may well have been true, but like all missionaries that claim to be helping the poor of the third world, the motive is not so pure, they are recruiting new members here.

What gets me about these people and the millionaire artists and singers that are now so concerned about the country is that the force they need to rescue Haitians from is the US government. US capitalism imposed and supported ruthless dictator Papa Doc Duvalier and his son, Baby Doc. The US kidnapped Haiti's legitimate president Aristide as its corporate media claimed it was rescuing him and taking him out of the country for his own safety.

Historically, Haiti has been looted and plundered by US imperialism and it is this force from which it needs rescuing. The fact that so many people die in the former colonial world is not due to the natural disaster itself but the fact that capitalism cannot and will not develop the infrastructure of the nations that it plunders for raw materials. Even when it visits them in search of cheap labor it develops only those areas and structure that make the extraction of the raw materials and surplus value more efficient. The rest of the country can rot.

The former colonial world has had enough of missionary visiting by now I would think.

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