
Saturday, January 2, 2010

more on US corporate foreign policy and so-called security.

In yesterday's post Richard explained that the attacks on the US are caused by the policies of the US corporations, their governments in Washington and the military/intelligence apparatus which roams the world killing and carrying out its terrorism on behalf of these interests. If you go out around the world plundering and robbing and killing then a lot of people are going to get annoyed and try to do something about it. This is the basis of the so-called terrorism. This is ABC.

The mass media of the US corporations has to make herculean efforts to keep the US population from coming to this conclusion. It is all a question you see of security at airports, what devices to be used, cooperation between the different organizations in the US state and on and on. The way to stop the attacks on the US is simple. Stop plundering the rest of the world and killing and attacking the citizens in the rest of the world, end the wars and occupations abroad, close down the bases and bring home the troops the US has in close to 200 countries.

The US corporations cannot get enough young people to fight its wars by going through the normal military channels. So it is increasingly using so-called contractors, that is private thugs whom it pays more. The best known of these was the thug outfit called Blackwater. This bunch of killers opened fire on unarmed civilian Iraqis in 2007 and left 17 dead. The Iraqi government was not allowed to try these killers. Investigators concluded that these elements had "indiscriminately fired in an unprovoked and unjustified assault." This conclusion was put to the US court to which these thugs were brought back to for trial. The US federal judge dismissed all charges and turned these killers free.

This has enraged the Iraqi population. Here are some responses from Iraqis reported in the New York Times. An Iraqi bank employee: "What are we - not human? Why do they have the right to kill people? Is our blood so cheap?For America the land of justice and law, what does it mean to let criminals go?" An Iraqi police officer who was on duty on the spot when the Blackwater thugs did their killing: "There has been a cover up from the very start. What can we say.? They have killed people. They killed people. They probably gave a bribe to get released. This is their own American court system. I ask you. If this had happened to Americans, what would have been the result? But these were Iraqis." A spokesman for the Iraqi prime minister stated: "Investigations conducted by specialized Iraqi officials confirmed without a doubt that Blackwater guards committed murder and violated laws by using weapons without the presence of any threat."

This will add new recruits to the opposition to the US in Iraq. As we say it is the policies of US imperialism abroad that creates and makes stronger the opposition to US imperialism and the attacks upon it.

The anger of the Iraqi and Middle Eastern people will be made even greater by the statement from the American military commander in Iraq. According to the New York Times the: "logic of the judge's ruling (in letting off the (Blackwater thugs) impressed him." He said it was a "lesson in the rule of law despite his worry that there were innocent people killed during this attack. Of course people are not going to like it because they believe these individuals conducted some violence and should be punished for it." So according to him innocent people were killed but it was still right to let off the killers!!! Yes the Iraqi people will be placated by this.

That is for sure. There will be new volunteers lining up to carry out attacks on the US thanks to the murdering actions of Blackwater and the US judge's decision to let them off with these murders. Next time you hear about a near escape or worse on some airliner or some or an attack on Us troops or civilians on some city street consider maybe it was carried out by somebody who was motivated by the invasion of Iraq, the murders carried out by Blackwater and the decision of the US judge to let these murderers off. The only way the crisis of attacks and violence will stop if if the US corporations and their state and thugs stop plundering the world and killing all who oppose them.


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