
Sunday, January 3, 2010


The capitalist mass media, amongst other tasks, has the job of hiding reality from the working class. It does this in many ways. It outright censors events and ideas. It selects what it allows to be discussed and debated. It slanders and scorns those whose ideas it does not want heard. And it also makes a lot of use of euphemisms. Look at a few they have used.

During the George Bush regime the failure to catch Bin Laden was not a failure. It was "a success that had not happened yet."

Workers are no longer fired. They are: Smartsized, decruited, suffer involuntary attrition, suffer employee simplification, suffer corporate outplacing, are the victims of negative employee retention, and get the chance of a career change opportunity.

The US War Department was re named the US Defense Department in the late 1940's. Since then more than 100,000 Americans have died in warfare. When soldiers are killed by their own side this is now "friendly fire."

We have to train ourselves how to read the capitalist press. Not only the larger picture of its general content, but also the smaller details, like the euphemisms it uses to try to keep us working people from seeing the reality.


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