
Friday, January 15, 2010

Bankers set for record year

The main in headline in the Wall Street Journal this morning is "Banks Set For Record Pay". In the midst of the worst crisis since the great depression, this is the state of affairs for Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and the other swindlers.

The pay is a "record" and pay "is climbing". These moneylenders "can expect top earn nearly 18% more than they did in 2008--and slightly more than in the record year of 2007." says the journal.

This is as 25 to 30 million are unemployed, people are evicted from their homes and more and more people are concerned about where their next meal is coming from.
As we have said many times on this blog, the system is rotten. The capitalist class have forfeited their right to rule and the Union leadership, through their collaboration with them, have forfeited their right to lead.

The only way we will stop this for the banks, financial houses, the commanding heights of the economy to be taken under public control and ownership and and a democratic socialist plan of production instituted. This will not stop.

If you are in California you know that the students and some community and Labor support is planning a shutdown of the state education system on March 4th. The struggle also involves reaching out to workers, Union and non union in an effort to build support for and spread it. Students are in the forefront of the efforts to fight back against the intensifying attacks of the empoyers.

If you are in the Bay area and want to help and join one of the strike committees, send an e mail to:

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