
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

unite student and anti war movement. Organize for anti war and defend education actions.

Dear Antiwar Activists,


"Day After" protests against President Obama's planned Dec. 1 speech announcing a massive escalation of the war against the people of Afghanistan have been called by virtually every antiwar group in the U.S.

The National Assembly to End the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars and Occupations will be joining with all those who oppose the U.S. war in Afghanistan on Wednesday, December 2, 5 pm in San Francisco at Powell and Market Streets.

Join us to demand "Stop the War in Afghanistan! Bring the Troops Home Now! Trillions for Jobs, Education, Pensions, Housing and Health Care Not For Wars, Occupations and Corporate Bailouts!

The National Assembly has joined in a national call with all major U.S. antiwar coalitions and many other antiwar forces across the country in urging united demonstrations. Included in the call to End the Wars Now! are:

National Assembly

United for Peace and Justice

World Can't Wait

ANSWER Coalition

Veterans for Peace and many others...

Hundreds of groups will take to the streets in cities across the country on Wednesday! Join us!

Please send along your endorsement for the planned protests so that we may list you and your organization, thus taking another important step toward united actions to oppose the U.S. war machine and its ever-escalating wars and occupations. We will make the entire list available to all endorsers.

Bring your own signs and banners!

In solidarity,

Jeff Mackler, National Co-coordinator

National Assembly to End the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars and Occupations

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