
Friday, December 4, 2009

This is just chump change but imagine what the real thieving amounts to

Outrageous! Please forward!!!

UC vampire identified:: David J. Ernst
by Xavier Meza

The L.A. Times published today that David J. Ernst, current Associate Vice President for Information Resources and Communications at the University of California, was discovered by a state audit to have claimed more than $150,000 in fraudulent expenses while he served as Chief of Information Technology Services for the California State University from 2005 to 2008.

These expenses include:

1) $39,135 for travel expenses (including personal trips to Amsterdam and Shanghai)
2) $26,455 for business meals that exceeded allowances
3) $43,288 in prohibited commuting expenses
4) $24,676 for monthly living allowances that he was not entitled to
5) $17,053 for personal expenses (including airline executive club membership)

What is most disturbing is that of the $152,441 Mr. Ernst stole, Cal State officials are only requesting him to repay $1,834, which were duplicate expenses.

SO, now that he has arrived to our university, it warrants our direct and collective action in seeking his immediate removal; we too have a voice in attaining economic efficiency for our beloved University of California campuses. We have repeatedly demanded that they ‘chop from the top’, and we finally landed our first truly viable victory in removing an incompetent administrator.

As David J. Ernst himself succinctly states, “in spite of budget cuts, we urgently need to identify and implement technology projects that will achieve efficiencies and save costs over the long run”
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