
Thursday, December 24, 2009

There's a reason we don't have health care for all

The US Congress has to be one of the most corrupt institutions on earth.  They have what they call lobbyists, they are actually people in the employ of corporations who bribe the politicians that make the laws and are in control of our resources.  They're the same politicians that handed the bankers a few trillion dollars of our money. Rolling Stone writer Matt Taibbi described Goldman Sachs, the usury institution as“a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity”  This is what the bribers they call lobbyists are.

The health industry is one of the most corrupt of all of them profiting as it does from sickness.  It is in fact a sickness industry.  Health care for everyone is easily possible and society can afford it. We don't have it because the 1% or so of the population that control most of the wealth don't want us to have it.  They have it, but prevent the rest of us from having it.

This industry has spent hundreds of millions of dollars bribing politicians to ensure health care is kept in control of the private sector; it's too lucrative a deal to be socialized.  To ensure that people can't get decent medical care the industry has six registered health-care lobbyists for every member of Congress.  Senator Joe Lieberman, has received more than $110,000 in donations from a single health insurance company, Aetna, this year alone.

Capitalism cannot provide health care for all. It cannot provide decent housing, education or food for most of the world's people.  The struggle to end the dictatorship of capitalism over society and the introduction of a collective, democratic socialist system is the most important task facing working people today.  Contact us if you are interested in helping those of us that run this blog bring that day closer.

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