
Thursday, December 3, 2009

Resolution in support of a statwide California strike on March 4, 2010. Organized Labor must join with students to halt the attacks on workers and youth.

The resolution below was passed by the Executive Board of AFSCME Local 444 at its meeting on December 3rd 2009.  This local represents the blue collar workers at the East Bay Municipal Utility District, the water company serving much of the East Bay.  It hasn't gone out yet to the cc's below, as it was just voted on. When it does we will have a copy on letterhead.

I hope folks in Unions will consider moving this resolution in their own locals or Union bodies so that rather than simply supporting the students in their heroic struggle to drive back the attacks on working people, and our families, the potential power of Labor will unite with the youth and join them in a statewide strike on March 4th 2010; a day without education (or education of a different sort) and a day without workers.

Resolution in support of a statewide strike on March 4 2010

WHEREAS California public education from pre-kindergarten through college and adult ed, is facing its most serious crisis in years; with funding cuts, tuition increases, reduction of college seats available, furlough days for teachers and support staff, and layoffs of employees and outright closures of entire departments; and

WHEREAS unemployment in California has risen to 12.5% and is closer to 25% among youth and even higher among young people of color;

WHEREAS 1.6 million construction jobs have been lost since this recession began with 136,000 construction jobs lost in California this past year and 322,000 public service jobs have been lost in the last four years: and

WHEREAS more job losses are expected as stimulus money dries up; and

WHEREAS 1 in 53 housing units received a foreclosure notice in the California during the third quarter of 2009 as people are being thrown out of their homes as well as their jobs; and

WHEREAS this is occurring as trillions of dollars of taxpayer’s money has been handed to bankers and other financial institutions in the wake of the current crisis, much of it unaccounted for; and

WHEREAS thousands of students at the University of California facing 32% increases in fees and increasing privatization of education, joined striking university employees on September 24th; and

Whereas; following these events a hugely successful conference was held at UC Berkeley on October 24th attended by 800 students, workers and supporters; and

WHEREAS this conference issued a call for a statewide strike and day of action on March 4th 2010 to “Save public education” against budget cuts, fee hikes or layoffs; and

WHEREAS students have faced brutal actions by the police for being in the forefront of the struggle to save education, jobs and for calling for solidarity and joint action with workers; therefore let it be

RESOLVED that AFSCME Local 444 support the October 24th call for a statewide strike and/or day of action on March 4th 2010; and be it further

RESOLVED that AFSCME Local 444 recognizes that without united action no single group or one Union can reverse this offensive; and be it further

RESOLVED that the 1,200 AFL-CIO and Change to Win unions in the California Labor Federation representing 2.1 million union members in such crucial industries as shipping, retail, manufacturing, public service and communications have tremendous potential power; and be it further

RESOLVED that through a united mobilization of all workers and students regardless of status we can win free federally funded education at all levels, increased jobs, a halt to foreclosures and a better life for all; and be it further

RESOLVED funding for such social needs come from diverting funds from the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, from taxing the corporations and the rich, taxing trades in the stock market and currency trades, and not taxes on workers or the middle class. California, the third biggest oil producer in the country is the only one of the 22 major oil states that does not impose a tax on oil taken from the ground; and be it further

RESOLVED that the leadership of the California Labor Federation, the Change to Win Coalition and the international Unions so affiliated to these bodies, as well as non-affiliated Unions join the call for and participate in a statewide strike on March 4th 2010 and publicly announce such intentions; and be it finally

RESOLVED that the resources of organized Labor in California be used between now and March 4th 2010 to build support among the members of its affiliated Unions, the communities in which we live and work, and among the youth for a successful and united statewide strike against the assault on working people and our families.

Adopted by AFSCME Local 444 Executive Board 12-03-09

cc  California State Labor Federation AFL-CIO
     Alameda County Central Labor Council  AFL-CIO
     AFSCME District Council 57 AFL-CIO
     AFCME International Union AFL-CIO

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