
Thursday, December 3, 2009

Labor Party Pakistan Organizes Protests Against Obama's Afghan Policy

LPP rejects Obama Afghan policy, will hold protests across Pakistan

Labour Party Pakistan condemns President Obama Afghan policy and demanded that all NATO forces immediately withdraw from Afghanistan and stop drone attacks on Pakistan. Labour Party Pakistan decided to protest against this new escalation of war efforts in the region. The first protest will take place on 4 December 2009 in front of American Consulate Lahore at 3pm. There will be more demonstrations in different parts of Pakistan. 

Nisar Shah, general secretary and Farooq Tariq spokesperson LPP said that when Mr. Obama took office less than a year ago, there were only 32,000 US troops in Afghanistan. By next spring there will be 100,000. Mr. Obama has given Gen Stanley McCrystal, the US and Nato commander in Kabul, more or less the numbers he wanted. Mr. Obama clearly spelt out to the Pakistanis that ''a safe haven for those high-level terrorists, whose location is known, and whose intentions are clear, cannot be tolerated''. This clearly means more bombs, more drone attacks and more bloodshed in the region.

The Labor Party Pakistan leaders said that President Obama has disappointed many who had the illusions that he may bring peace and prosperity for the world.  They said that Guantanamo has not yet closed. Secret prisons are still functioning in US, torture continues, land mine policy unchanged and living standards even in US are declining. The war in Iraq unchanged and the war in Afghanistan is escalating. In Pakistan, the situation is getting worst and worst. The new Afghan policy will mean more terror in Pakistan. The religious fanatics will not be silenced by more drone attacks, but on the contrary, it will promote more suicidal attacks in desperations

The Labour Party Pakistan leaders said in a press statement that for many Americans, the promise of the new Obama administration was that finally the United States would reject the neocon concept that America can ignore international law and use indiscriminate violence around the world to assert its interests. That hope was largely snuffed out when President Obama gave his hawkish generals and the neocon pundits most of what they wanted by expanding the eight-year-old Afghan War and guaranteeing more violations of the laws of war.

The LPP leaders said that the religious fanatics and the imperialist forces are providing each other excuses for escalating more violence. The religious fanatics can not be illuminated by military means. There has to be a comprehensive and wide ranging political and economic strategy to fight the fanatics. The Pakistani state must end its all forms of support to religious madrassas. At least 10 percent should be spent on education and education must be free till university level for all Pakistanis. The state must ensure delinking with religious practices.

 The LPP leaders said that we condemn the both imperialists and the religious fanatics.  They said that Pakistan government is acting blindly on the dictations of Obama administration. The political and economical dictations by American imperialism and their institutions like IMF and World Bank are promoting war and more economic miseries for people of Pakistan. Pakistan government must change its political and economical priorities and must end to side with American imperialism.   

Farooq Tariq
Labour Party Pakistan
40-Abbot Road Lahore, Pakistan
Tel: 92 42 6315162 Fax: 92 42 6271149  Mobile: 92 300 8411945

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