
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Capitalists driven mad by greed.

Starting on January 1st, the estate tax, which is aimed at the wealth of a super rich capitalist's estate, will temporarily lapse. If these people can live to January 1st they will not have to pay this tax. So what is happening? For these rich it is important they do not die before January 1st otherwise they would be hit by the estate tax. They are taking about any measures.

A lawyer in New York is quoted in the Wall Street Journal as saying that he has two clients on life support and the "family are struggling with whether to continue heroic measures for a few more days." Here is the family keeping this person breathing until they can avoid paying the tax. Capitalism is a monstrous system.

Another lawyer explains about his client, a wealthy real estate swindler who is hanging on by a thread. His lawyer says that: "Whenever he wakes up he says, what day is it? Is it January 1st yet?" This is capitalism in all its sick glory. They would do anything for a dollar. As Marx said they would sell the rope to hang themselves. In this case they will get wired up to life support to pretend to be alive to try and cheat on their taxes. But even worse. Look at the case below.

The estate tax lapses in 2010 but it comes back again in 2011. So at the moment the mad super rich are trying to stay alive to the tax lapses on January 1st. If they succeed in this they will have a year during which they can die and pay no taxes. But if they do not die in 2010 and live on to 2011 they will be caught again as the estate tax comes back in. So the most "farsighted" of these mad super rich are thinking how if they are going to die they need to be sure to die before 2011 to escape the taxes. There is at least one case where euthanasia has been added to a person's estate planning mix according to the lawyer Katzenstein of Proskauer Rose. A client is planning to consider going to the Netherlands where euthanasia is legal. The idea being if he was going to live on into 2011 and get caught with the tax he could have himself killed and his estate would dodge the tax.

Capitalism is terrible for the working class and the poor. And for the capitalists themselves it turns them into grotesque creatures. Capitalism has forfeited its right to exist.


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