
Friday, December 25, 2009

Another Bishop bites the dust

I see another Catholic Bishop has resigned in Ireland.  This one, like the others no doubt, apologized for doing nothing to curb the sexual abuse of children in this organization governed by an ex member of the Nazi youth and his coterie of misogynists. Anyone who hasn't seen it should see the Magdalen Sisters. , and Rabbit Proof Fence, both films that show the reality of the Catholic Church's intervention in everyday life. The indigenous people's of the countries invaded by European capitalism have nothing to thank the Catholic Church for; it forbade them to speak their languages and it participated in the plunder of their lands and destruction of their communities.

It would be wrong though to say that resigning bishops  did nothing.  What they did when they discovered that their organization was a home for pedophiles was to move the perpetrator to another area where the abuse could take place anew.  And for this an apology suffices. There are poor people in this country doing time for stealing pizza.

The Catholic church, like all of them has held back the development of human history.  It opposed science and murdered the early scientists and alchemists.  It has nothing but blood on its hands.  Prominent writer of Christian affairs of the 19th century, William Howitt. wrote of the "official" Christian church and its role in the colonial ventures of European capitalism that, “The barbarities and desperate outrages of the so-called Christian race, throughout every region of the world, and upon every people they have been able to subdue, are not to be paralleled by those of any other race, however fierce, however untaught, and however reckless of mercy and of shame, in any age of the earth."

The Catholic Church, as a previous post said, collaborated with the most vicious right wing regimes in Latin America to crush the Liberation Theologists, most prominent was the murder of Archbishop Romero. It didn't mobilize its forces in those countries that installed and propped up the Shah of Iran. Instead it (the men that run it) wants to deny poor women the right to an abortion, something the rich women have no problem getting. See Vera Drake.

It has played the most pernicious role in modern history.  So many of my friends that say they're Catholic claim they do not support all the vicious racist and sexist elements of it; they don't even believe in angels and demons, fairies either they tell me.  I believe them.  But then why belong to it?  It's like saying your in the Klan but not a racist; just in it for the socialization.

Where I live they have just built a multi-million dollar cathedral on prime land.  This organization is tax exempt.  It mobilized its forces and bribers on Capitol Hill to deny federal funds for abortions. It doesn't mobilize its forces to withdraw funds for killing Iraqis. It should not be tax exempt.

For socialists, religion is a private matter.  It has no place in public life. I defend the right of a person to their religion without fear of repression by the state.  But there is a huge difference between workers who call themselves part of a particular religion and the aging male hierarchy that runs the the Catholic church.  When we were young we were told that the pope was infallible, which means he is god's emissary on earth, he cannot sin.I agree with the second.  You can't sin as there is no such thing as sin.  Just like miracles.   All the Priests and Imams and Pastors claim that everyone else's religion is man  made except their own; they're god is the right god.

I am so glad I am free from it.

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