
Monday, December 28, 2009

2008/9 The years we bailed out capitalism.

The Bush and Obama regimes were faced with the collapse of their system in 2008 and 2009. Capitalism was tottering. So what did they do. They took over $2 trillion of our taxes and gave it to the capitalists. The big bail out with our money. A new collapse lies ahead. The capitalists will come running again threatening us that if they are allowed to go bust we will all go bust. This time we have to be ready for their blackmail and threats. We must build a movement for the nationalization of the financial institutions and the corporations under workers control and management. The system must be taken out of the hands of the capitalists who have shown they cannot run it, that they have forfeited the right to be in control. The finances of the country and the productive forces of the country have to be organized in a democratic plan of production. That is a democratic socialist society.


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