
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Obama says he will "Finish the job" in Afghanistan. With our youth.

I see Obama has informed us all that he intends to "finish the job" in Afghanistan. British imperialism has been "finishing the job" in Northern Ireland for 500 years; people never give up when others occupy their land. The US record in Afghanistan is not impressive.  The right wing tribal chiefs with their 7th century morality and misogynistic philosophy were funded and aided by the US taxpayer to the tune of billions of dollars . Up to 1999, "US taxpayers paid the entire annual salary of every single Taliban government official."*  Osama bin Laden is a US product.  How wrong could Carter's National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski have been when he said in defense of supporting the Mujahideen:

"What is most important to the history of the world? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some stirred up Moslems or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the Cold War."

Those "stirred up" Moslems have wreaked a little havoc of their own. The roots of terrorism lie in US foreign policy.

The US government united with terrorists and mullahs to overthrow the Afghan government that was too pro-soviet. Obama is continuing this invasion.  One of the main reasons is an oil pipeline to the sea that doesn't go through Iran. As billions of dollars of US taxpayer's money goes in to this predatory war, Obama and the Democrats and Republicans are forcing workers and the middle class to pay for an economic crisis of their making as they hand trillions to the bankers that caused the mess.
There is definitely a change in the mood as evidenced by the global response of students to the capitalist offensive.  The current struggles of the students here in California will bring all sorts of attempts by liberal Democratic Politicians and others to derail it.  They will promise this and that.

If the movement continues to grow, it is imperative that it relies on its own strength, that it relies on unity in action between workers and youth and doesn't allow liberal Democrats to suck it in and diffuse it.  At some point it can find political expression, it can run candidates that are firmly rooted in the movement and the struggle on the ground, independent from the Democrats and Republicans.

The cost of education will increase the desperation that young people face with regards to a job and a future and the military will become the only option.  Obama's troop surge comes at a time when youth unemployment is around 25% to 35%.  Instead of sending our young people (mostly workers) to kill or be killed in Afghanistan or Iraq, we want free education and decent jobs for all---not Obama's war in Afghanistan.

We must have no illusions in Obama and the Democrats.

*Ted Rall: SF Chronicle, 11-02-2001 Quoted in War and Globalization by Michael Chossudofsky

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