
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Google Map of Occupied Universities

Google Map here:

Over 100 colleges and universities in countries as far apart as the USA, Poland, Germany, Italy, Serbia, Britain, Central America, are taking action, some in support of the Cal students and some on their own issues. we need to unite these struggles. For international solidarity, For and international day of action.
Over 100 colleges and universities in countries as far apart as the USA, Poland, Germany, Italy, Serbia, Britain, Central America,  are taking action, some in support of the Cal students and some on their own issues. we need to unite these struggles. For international solidarity. For an international day of action; workers and students unite and shut down the universities.  Violate anti-Union laws and contracts that call for "no sympathy action/strikes."  This is an employer's clause that destroys solidarity as workers cross each others picket lines and it must be violated for workers and students to be victorious.

Some things we can do using the money they steal from us and spend waging war and devastation:

Free education through all levels of the system
Corporations and the profit seekers out of the schools
Get the bailout money back they've given to their friends and:
Invest in education
Transportation (nationalize the auto industry under workers control and management and build mass transit
Housing: no more developers
Health care (Cuba can put a clinic in every neighborhood)

End the predatory wars in Afghanistan and Iraq
No more prisons: jobs at a guaranteed minimum wage of $15 an hour and counseling for all released victims of the prison industrial machine.

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