
Saturday, November 21, 2009

Pics and Video of UCLA Wednesday Fightback

From the Los Angeles Times
A little back story. I took this video from the front of the skrimish with the police. before I shot the video an activist woman jumped over the barracades and threw open the door to Covel where the Regents were meeting. The police tried to stop her but the crowd of students was envigorated. Students ran to the door and tried to keep it open as the University police (UCPD) pushed back. They tazered and hit students and errected hte barracades again only this time to be hit with half full bottles of water, broken picket sign sticks and aggressive fists. The police were not expecting this kindof fightback but they got it. I hope the video uploads but the pictures should. The picture with the crowd of people with their fists in the air was taken by the Los Angeles Times.

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