
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

An event of extreme significance and capitalism's sickness.

Obama and the Chinese president meet in China. We are watching US imperialism, the most powerful country in the world meet China, the newly emerging Imperialist power which threatens in the near future to replace the US as the number one power in the world. Such a development will cause enormous upheaval world wide. We need to watch this process with great attention. It will affect all our lives. Its significance is reflected in the extremely cautious diplomacy of Obama as he tries to get China to agree to US plans and objectives, as he tries to understand China's strengths and weaknesses, and as he tries to prepare US Imperialism to confront this giant in the years ahead. This conflict will most likely be the most important feature in world relations in the decades to come.

US capitalism is worried. This is reflected in the mood amongst the US population and the Chinese population. 86% of Chinese believe their country is headed in the right direction compared to only 37% of Americans. 63% of Chinese think that China will be the global technological leader in 30 years and the majority believe that the next society changing innovation will come from their country.

Of course China has to watch. It is staking its future on developing as a capitalist country in a capitalist world at a time when capitalism is in extreme crisis, economically and environmentally, and when the major capitalist power of the US is close to being the most crisis ridden of all the major powers. And also at a time when the US has an extreme political crisis. China's future cannot be separated from the world capitalist crisis. Nor can it be separated from the movement of its own working class who through more and more struggles are demanding their share of the economic growth and wealth. The most powerful dynamic potential force for radical change in the world at present is the Chinese working class.

And the Chinese working class are not going to be pleased with what capitalism will offer them. A UN summit meeting to supposedly combat hunger opened in Rome on Monday. Sixty leaders attended. But apart from Berlusconi the corrupt and degenerate leader of the host country there were no leaders from the wealthiest countries. Where was Obama and leaders of Germany, Japan and so on? This shows how little they care about world hunger.

But they had other rich countries to do their dirty work. These countries got together and removed the goal to end world hunger by 2025. They replaced this with the goal to end world hunger "at the earliest possible date." This gives them a way out. Capitalist cannot commit itself to end world hunger because it is not able to end world hunger and will never be able to end world hunger. To paraphrase Malcolm X, you cannot have capitalism without world hunger. Capitalism has forfeited its right to exist because it cannot end world hunger. The capitalist class have forfeited their right to rule.

The Chinese elite are bringing their country into the capitalist world. They are guiding it towards crisis and mass poverty under capitalism. There is an alternative. A democratic socialist world. The rising Chinese elite by their drive towards capitalism have forfeited their right to rule before they have even got their new economic system consolidated.

For a Democratic Socialist China and a Democratic Socialist World.


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