
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Country's awash with money. But students fees hiked.

The heroic California students continue with their struggle. Many have been arrested, gassed and tasered but they are not backing down. They must get all the support we can give them. US capitalism is out around the world telling other countries how to run their affairs. Meanwhile here at home it is beating up its own youth. Solidarity throughout the US and internationally must be organized. This Monday students are at court on charges. Step up the messages of solidarity and demonstrations of support.

It is not complicated what is going on. Profits and power are at the center of it. Some months ago the Wall Street Journal contained the following comment. "The country's awash with money." This is true. All you have to do is look what happened when Wall Street and the banks were going to go down. They found hundreds of billions to bail them out. But when students and education needs money there is no money on hand and fees have to be hiked and students beaten up and gassed to make them accept this. The capitalists want to keep the money that the "country is awash with" for themselves. Also if they backed off from raising the students fees other youth and workers would demand their share. From capitalism's point of view the Californian students who are leading the struggle must be defeated so no other group of youth or workers can get the idea that they can struggle successfully also. From the other point of view, that of the youth and working people, the Californian students must win so we can increase the momentum and power of our struggles and launch an offensive against the profit addicted capitalist class.

The New York Times had more for us on this front today. (Sunday November 22) It says, not in these words of course, that the criminal outfit Goldman Sachs has been continuing with its swindling. By the way Goldman Sachs chief executive officer Lloyd C. Blankfein was awarded CEO of the year by a magazine for corporate directors. It is like a meeting of muggers deciding who was the best mugger. Blankfein, is mugger of the year, nobody mugged more off the taxpayers and got away cleaner.

Anyway here is what the New York Times had to say about how much money is available. Goldman Sach's has set aside $16.7 billion for this years bonuses. This money should not go to bonuses it should go to education. The Times also looked at six of the top American bank holding companies. If profits continue as they are at present bonuses could exceed the $162 billion paid in 2007 the year before the capitalist crisis hit the stock markets. This money should also go to education not to these swindlers.

The Obama regime, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are at one in letting their capitalist backers return to their old swindling ways which led to the capitalist crisis of 2008. They are bribed by the capitalist corporations and lobbyists to do so. As we carry out our student struggles we must link these to the reality of the country and the system. The country is awash with money as the Wall Street Journal says and as the bonuses being paid to the top swindlers and criminals show. This wealth must be taken from these people and put into education.

The attacks on education are not just in increased fees. Behind this is the effort to privatize education. This means make a profit from education. On this blog we refer to the capitalists as addicted to profit. We do not use this term lightly. They are truly addicted to profits. Any part of the economy which they see they cannot make profit from comes under attack. They seek to privatize it and make profits from it. This is the case in health care, in education, in any other area.

Look at the implications of this in education. Increased fees are making it harder and harder for young people to get a good education. This means that they are more and more desperate for a decent job in fact any job. There are presently 15 million unemployed and in July 20 million more 18 year olds will leave school. Where are they going to get work? Especially if they have not been able to get a good education. The trades are just about closed off at the moment given the mass unemployment in construction. These young people are prey for the military who are short of soldiers they can send to kill and be killed in their wars for profit. So the struggle against the fee hike, is a struggle to defend public education, is a struggle to allow all to have access to a free good quality education and in this way is also a struggle to be able to get a decent job and not have to join the killing machine of the US military.


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