
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The California students struggle. How the enemy sees it.

The California students struggle is of great significance. Its opponents see this. They want to hold firm on the fees increase. They send their cops to beat up and arrest students. They want to hold firm on the fees increase so they can hold firm on the State's budget cuts. These are part of their economic "solution" for the states ills. Their position is that any "solution" must protect and increase the corporations profits and cut the living standards of the working people and the youth. The working class and youth must pay for the state's crisis not the profit addicted corporations which caused it. This is what the multi millionaire profit addicted regents are up to, this is what dominates their thinking and actions.

California is the only state in the union which does not tax oil as it comes out of the ground. The oil companies are getting a free ride. Here is a simple and just solution right in front of our noses. Tax this oil as it comes out of the ground and along with this make the oil and utility companies pay back what they swindled from the state in the past through price fixing and other crimes. This would more than pay for free education for all.

But from the point of view of the corporations and the state and their class they must not pay for the crisis, there must be no taxing of oil companies or taking back what the corporations have swindled from the state. The youth and the working class must pay for the crisis. This is a principle for them. So from the point of view of the corporations and their politicians the students must be defeated. It is very important to grasp this basic fact otherwise illusions in the corporate politicians, both the Republicans and Democrats could develop. Otherwise we will not see the importance of building unity with the workers, and carrying out mass direct action struggles which will make the profit addicted corporate class and their politicians and state retreat.

For unity between the students and workers. For a united students and workers day of action.
Build joint action and coordinate the struggles of the students and the SEIU workers who have been arrested in San francisco.

There are all sorts of benefits to the corporate capitalist system that would flow from a defeat of the students. These are never mentioned because they are too explosive. The Obama regime and the two capitalist parties and the military industrial complex are preparing to send tens of thousands more troops to Afghanistan. But their problem is getting enough troops. the war there, in Iraq and Pakistan will drag on for years and the US military will increasingly crack. So they need more and more troops. Increasing fees prevents more people from getting a decent education and so having to search desperately for work. Millions will not be able to get a job and so will be fodder for recruitment into the military to kill or be killed. The students struggle is a struggle against the wars and occupations abroad.

We must all support the students struggle.

I am an immigrant to this country. When I came first I asked what thanksgiving was about. For what were we giving thanks and to whom? I was told for getting safely to these shores. I asked did black people participate in thanksgiving? What about the middle crossing? Did native American people participate in thanksgiving? What about the genocide?

When we get together with friends and family tomorrow we should thank the California students for leading the struggle against the capitalist offensive. And at the same time we should condemn the capitalist elite and their system who have left left 21% of households with children "food insecure." That is that they go hungry. Maybe we should change thanksgiving day into: "Thanksgiving and Condemnation day."

Here is one thing we should condemn when we are sitting down with our families. The US government under Obama continues to refuse to sign the treaty banning land mines. These vicious weapons which kill and maim so many people, the US military industrial complex and the government says they must remain "legal."


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