
Monday, November 23, 2009

Breaking News. Cal State students occupy. Mood is exuberant.

The UC Berkely in down town Oakland has been occupied in the last hour. The so called security tried to stop the students but they got in and are now sitting down in the building. They are demanding an audience with the chancellor. Send your messages of support to

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The students must not be allowed to fight alone. Build support nationally and internationally. The supporters of the occupation in the area who are not in the building should go to the surrounding neighborhoods, workplaces, colleges and schools. Break out of the campus, go to the workplaces and the high schools link up with the workers and high school students in the areas.

Select the regents who voted for the fees increase and who are mainly multimillionaires. Go to their offices, clubs, churches, and tell everybody there and in the surrounding area through flyers what these people have done, what kind of degenerate people they are, the lives they have made worse by their vote to increase fees while they are multi millionaires.

From this call on all workers to refuse to serve these people in any way. Do not fill their gas tank, do not serve them in stores or clubs or anywhere else, boycott them. Let these people know there will be no more business as usual. When they increased our fees they took large amounts of money out of our pockets. There is no more business as usual for us. It must be the same for them. People have to take responsibility for their actions. When these multi millionaires reduce working peoples living standards by increasing our fees they must take responsibility for their actions. They must be shamed in the neighborhoods, clubs, churches, they must be isolated and boycotted in every sphere of their lives.

Build support for the occupation in Oakland.


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