
Monday, November 9, 2009

All male unelected assault team against women's rights.

Since I posted yesterday on the new so-called health bill and how it attacks women's rights I have some more information on the role of the Catholic Church. Some weeks ago the unelected all male Cardinals and Bishops ordered their priests to preach in every church against the bill having funding for abortion and to order their members to contact their politicians and tell them if this was in the bill and they voted for it they would not get their vote in elections. There are about fifty million members of the Catholic Church in the US. This is a big mobilization a big threat. The all male unelected bureaucracy of this organization has been involved in sexual abuse against children in its care on a vast scale. They have made every effort to cover this up. Even to the extent of breaking the law. The arrogance of this organization when it has this record to use its resources to affect the vote on the so-called health bill is incredible. Members of the Catholic Church should leave it. This is an immoral and undemocratic organization. For those who do not leave it they must put up a struggle inside to democratize that organization. And at the front of that struggle should be the struggle for equality for women. This organization believes that women are inferior. They are not allowed to be priests, bishops or cardinals or popes. According to that church they are inferior. Decisions about women's lives are to be made by the all male unelected hierarchy. This is an organization which is totally reactionary.

On another note. I have been reading some articles recently about Reagan. How wonderful he was according to the Republican Party and astoundingly even Obama praised him in his own campaign for President. The Wall Street Journal recently praised Reagan for speaking out against the "moral weakness of criminal regimes." Reagan and morality are not two concepts that easily go together.

He fired all the air traffic controllers when they exercised their democratic right to strike. This launched the capitalist offensive which lasts to this day. The union leaders should have closed down the country through mass strike action until all these union members were taken were back. Instead they capitulated and let Reagan and his class get away with it. This was their contribution to the capitalist offensive. But back to Reagan's so called morality and another point about Reagan and the Republican Party and US capitalism in general. We have argued on this blog that US capitalism is a vicious racist system. That the ruling class use racism at every turn to divide the working class and keep it under control and on low wages and conditions.

Reagan first ran for election for president in 1980. He did not kick off his campaign in a major city such as Los Angeles, Chicago, New York or Atlanta as would have been expected. No, he kicked it off in an obscure rural Mississippi town called Philadelphia. The only thing Philadelphia, Mississippi, was known for in the outside world were the 1964 murders of civil rights workers Chaney, Goodman and Schwerner. Did Reagan pay tribute to these young men? Not a bit of it. This degenerate racist never even mentioned them. Instead he talked about states rights which as we all know is code for maintaining slavery. Reagan kicked off his campaign in this town and spoke of states rights to keep the racist pot on the boil and to put his signature on racist divide and rule. We need to use our imagination. Think what it says about a man and a Party and a system which launches its campaign for president in this town and never speaks about the murdered youth and speaks instead about states' rights. Reagan was a dirty racist, the Republican Party he represented, as with the Democratic Party, is racist, and the capitalism system he represented is racist. As Malcolm X said: "You cannot have capitalism without racism."


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