
Thursday, January 29, 2009

We are all equal but some are more equal than others

So a young 20 year old worker in North Carolina who tried to Rob a bank is facing first degree murder charges. He never killed anyone at the bank, and never actually killed anyone intentionally. He made an escape from the scene of the crime and hid inside the home of an elderly lady. He told her he had no intention of hurting her and told her to go to her bedroom and wait; he was just hiding.

The woman had a heart attack and died so the 20 year old with no priors is charged with first degree murder for scaring to death a woman.

A few days earlier, an unemployed indebted father shot his wife and five children in California. Like many Americans he is in the clutches of the moneylender, the coupon clippers who practice what is referred to as usery in the Christian bible. No moneylenders will be charged with murder.

There are probably hundreds of thousands of individuals and families who will suffer sickness and even death related to losing their jobs, homes or savings as their lives fall apart due to the policies of a few thousand people who control the economy and productive life of society at great benefit to themselves.

I am reminded of Gertrude Johnson, an 89-year-old who was still working as a health aide when her mortgage, at more than $3000 was more than she could handle. She was a victim of the lies and deceit that led up to the subprime collapse:

"I just wanted to be able to eat and sleep in my house and have a roof over my head", she says, "Every day at midnight when I go to sleep, I think maybe when I wake in the morning they'll tell me to get out." (WSJ 3-12-07)

Had Gertrude Johnson died no one would have been charged. When the same folks who steal the goods are the ones that make the laws which include what constitutes theft or murder, this is a result. Swindlers can throw workers out of their jobs while they take billions in profits and then throw them out of their shelter because profits can no longer be made investing in the provision of shelter for others. This is freedom--class freedom. And with class freedom, one class is the recipient of it and the other isn't.

Rumsfeld, Bush and Rice are murderers; the respected Kissinger is a murderer par excellence. But Bush was at the innauguration of the next one in line and thanked for his service to the nation.

Fighting against this situation is a good thing. We could call it class struggle.

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