
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Working Class Unity

There are few issues harder to understand or comment on that the current situation in the Middle East.
What we know is that the Imperialist state of Israel with armed forces the fourth largest in the world is bombing, wounding and killing innocent Palestinians in Gaza. The suffering and fear is hardly imagineable to us as we sit blogging in our comfortable homes.
The response of the US and President elect OBAMA is to call on Israel and Palestine (Hamas) to cease as if they were equal forces with equal strength. Not a mention that Gaza is an occupied territory - has been for 40 years. Is this man for real?

Not a mention that the ruling class in Israel has for years been blockading and starving the Palestinians people , who as we write are unable to treat their wounded for lack of medical supplies and hospitals.
Deprived of water and electricity, food and essential medical supplies and care , even the tunnels into Egypt, up till now a route for essential supplies into Gaza , have been bombed, with the US and Israel justifying these atrocious acts by calling them "smuggling routes ."
No need to go on and on , anyone reading this blog is as aware of what is happening as I am or more so.
At a demonstration on Sunday in Toronto there were approximately 1000 people out in support of the Palestinians in Gaza. Across the street, well protected by the police were about 25 supporters of Israel. mainly zionists no doubt, out to provoke, and I am certain there were many more jewish people on our side of the street protesting the actions of Israel.
It was as can be expected very emotional and at the same time very peaceful.
it was necessary to be there and be part of a growing global opposition to the murderous acts of the Imperialist Israeli state. At the same time I was saddened at the lack of any attempt to make links across class rather than national lines.
The call for a economic boycott of Israel is the most strident call right now. It is supported by large trade union organizations across Canada, the UK and South Africa as well as other countries. And it certainly seems on the surface to make a lot of sense. To speak otherwise is to risk marginalization as a trade unionist and a socialist. I struggle with this as do thousands and try to find a way to speak with fellow trade unionist and activists whose horror at events is equal to mine. How to speak to Canadian Palestinian workers and their families whose rage and oppresssion is so strong and so deep and so justified I cannot even imagine.
The situation is so dire and the suffering so deep that even on this blog i fear I cannot address or even speak an alternative.
On the other hand i need to ask - why is there such a glaring absence of a genuine class approach. Surely we cannot ignore the Israeli working class. How can a boycott that will further impoverish the workers in Israel , serve to strenghten working class unity internationally. Should we not be calling for a unity across working class lines . The suffering of the Palestinian working class is unspeakable.
Class consciousness and unity between the Palestinian workers and Israeli workers is not strong for reasons too complex to enter inot in this brief blog.
But surely in desperate times we cannot succumb to a solution that by virtue of its failure to unite the working class and the left internationally-is doomed to failure and more bloodshed.
As has been pointed out on this blog several times there is no solution to the suffering of the Palestinian working people under capitalism.
How many more decades of war and bloodshed are necessary before this becomes obvious to working people.
Neither Hamas nor Israeli imperialist state can offer even a possibility of peace in the Middle east. How many more youth and working people will turn inward to support Islamic and Zionist fundamentalist solutions before it is understood that only working class unity that includes the working class of Israel.
We must call for that unity and for a socialist federation of the middle east , there clearly is no other viable solution.

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