
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

On the Worker's Occupation

This morning I was on the phone with my mom. Now my mom is not someone I would describe as politically active, but she is a prime example of someone who has recently started looking at the world differently as a result of the economic situation. As many of us here in Chicago, my mom and I were talking about our Governor. Later, my mom brought up the workers' occupation here. She was so excited...she said to me, "maybe this will start a movement". She went on to describe how she was so happy to see workers fighting and making demands. She has never written anything political, just always been supportive. I asked here is she would write up her thoughts about the occupation, something that I could share on the blog. This is what she sent me:

"I have been following the story of the worker sit in in Chicago with great interest. They were asking to be given what they were legally entitled to such as more than three days notice of the plant closing, their vacation pay, etc. Their sit in got national media coverage. Bank of America refused to give a line of credit to the owners of the company but because of the bad press relented. This is a victory for all workers. It also sets a precedent for what others in this country have to do. Every day we hear of massive lay offs. Workers must start to be proactive and demand what they are entitled to. If these brave souls can do it so can others. Let us not sit back and watch companies get bailouts and then lay off workers. Let us not permit the heads of companies to make millions while they close down companies, lay off workers, and send jobs overseas. Workers need to unite and demand their rights-jobs and adequate pay - Sue."

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