
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Israel, US proxy regime slaughters people of Gaza.

It is difficult to watch or read the mass capitalist media these days. No matter what Israel does in Gaza it is right. With around 400 people killed it still has the support of the Bush and Obama regimes. The mass media is shameless in its lies and propaganda. The Wall Street Journal even argues that it is better for the Gaza people to be well slaughtered because if they have anything they can think of as a victory at all this will only raise their expectations and according to this paper these expectations can never be met. 

On a capitalist basis it is true the expectations of the Palestinian people cannot be met. Imperialism and its Arab allies are not going to allow Israel to be weakened and a powerful Arab regime to develop in the region. With Israel their proxy and armed to the teeth and defended in every way, and with the leaders of the Arab regimes bought and paid for, the region and its wealth, especially its oil, and also its important strategic location will be held by Imperialism as long as the issue remains on a capitalist basis. 

The Islamic fundamentalist organizations and regimes are not able to solve the problems of the Palestinian or Arab people.  Divisions of many kinds exist amongst these organizations. But most important they are committed to continue on a capitalist basis and this means they are opposed to the unity of the Arab working class which is the only force that can liberate the Palestine people, drive Imperialism out of the region and solve the problems of all the people of the region.  

The solution to the crisis in the region lies with the building of a united working class. A United working class throughout the Arab world would have the power to defeat imperialism. With a policy of the right of self determination it would have the ability to over come the divisions in the region and also build the basis for peace amongst the Israelis and the Palestinians. And by taking the wealth of the region into public ownership under workers control and management a socialist plan of production could be developed which would truly make the desert bloom. 

For an end to the slaughter in Gaza. 
For a united working class to defeat Imperialism and drive it from the region. 
For the defeat of the Zionist and Arab regimes and the building of a democratic socialist federation of the region based on public ownership of the wealth.
For the right of self determination of different peoples of the region and on this basis resolve the Israeli Palestinian issue. 


1 comment:

  1. During the elections Biden warned other nations and anyone else listening not to test Obama as Kennedy was tested. Obama and his administration would respond forcefully blah blah.

    Well Obama has been tested and his response has been forcefully as predicted.

    He has forcefully ignored the slaughter of Palestinians in the largest concentration camp in the world. As the post indicates, it is difficult to not throw up at the bias in the press. The homemade rockets that Palestinians fire at Israeli's occupying their land show that Hamas is able to "inflict pain on its enemy" This compared to sixty US supplied warplanes bombing one of the most densely populated areas in the world.

    "There is only one president at a time" Obama's spokespersons tell the world.

    Obama's response is standard fare and a continuation of the Bush philosophy of preemptive strikes etc. The residents of Gaza have been hemmed in, not allowed to receive aid and medical supplies by the Zionist regime that surrounds the enclave and controls its daily life.

    Why are some people so surprised that people will strap explosives to themselves and attempt to take the enemy out at the cost of their own lives? Hero's throughout history have sacrificed their lives for a just cause. In the absence of a united working class movement and living in the horror that is Gaza it shouldn't surprise anyone that such a method is resorted to. A suicide bomber is not someone who thinks there's a future.

    Imagine the children just waiting and hoping to live long enough to join their ranks and take out a few Israeli's and Americans. The Israeli's could not so what they are doing without US government support.

    Hamas is the democratically elected government chosen by the Palestinian people. I hear all the time that they don't believe in Israel's right to exist. But which Israel are we talking about here? That's what I want to know.

    When you see the gas go up you can thank the Israeli's for adding to the cost with this latest mass slaughter.
