For those of us who work in education, it is getting close to what I term as black Friday. In Illinois, school administrators have a union deadline of when they have to let teachers know if they are being asked back or not. Black Friday. It is usually done the day before spring break so that the teacher who is let go, can re-cover (yeah right) and return to school with a smile and finish out the school year because even though you may not be returning the following school year, you still have to finish teaching out the current school year.
In my school today, talk had begun about staffing decisions and what may happen next year. It was then that someone pointed out the night time custodian position that had been posted about a month ago had over 800 applicants, some with college degrees, some former mantainance company owners and everything in between. My colleague said you know times are bad when you have that many people applying for a night time custodial position. This was story was spreading all over the school today, a week after all the teachers in a nearby school district had been told that every non-tenured teacher plus some tenured would be released due to financial issues. Now some of the teachers will most likely be recalled although I am sure that is little reassurance for the over 150 staff members that this will affect. And all these stories floating around, all of them are being used to quelch any sort of complaints or disastisfaction amongst the staff. If you raise anything, the immediate response from anyone, colleague to administrator, is at least you have a job. You could be one of the 800 applying for the one custodian position, night shift.
I read today that the unemployment rate is highest since 1982. This means the boss has the upper hand and will try to get all those things from us that they have wanted for years