Sunday, March 4, 2012

Limbaugh, Santorum and the war on women.

The US is being convulsed at the moment by the war on women. This is being conducted by the right wing of the bourgeois class, the Catholic hierarchy and politicians like Santorum. It is staggering what is going on. Twenty states now require abortion providers to conduct ultra sounds before abortions in some situations. In 2011 92 new curbs on abortion were put in place in 24 states,

Look at what has been passed into law in Texas. If a woman seeks an abortion she must first endure an ultra sound probe inserted into her vagina. She must listen to the doctor describe the body parts and internal organs of the fetus on the monitor. She must also listen to the heartbeat of the fetus. Then she signs a statement saying she understands all this, and then she must go home and wait 24 hours before returning to have the abortion. This is terrorism against women. If you look up the term rape it is: the penetration of the vagina without the women's consent. This Texas law and these legislated ultra sounds are rape. One Texas doctor says: "It's state sanctioned abuse. It borders on a definition of rape. Many states describe rape as putting an object into an orifice against a person's will. Well this is what this is. The state is waging a war on women." This is state sanctioned rape. One defender of women's rights says:" It's been awful. Last year was unbelievable. We've never seen anything like it."

Look further at Texas which has just brought in the most savage anti women laws. The tiny minority of women who are not using contraceptives account for half of all abortions in the US. Yet Texas has some of the weakest sex education in the country and last year it cut family planning spending by 66%. It is obvious the way to reduce abortions is to increase sex education and access to contraception. But not for these right wing religious nuts.

The gains of the women's revolt of the 1960's are under attack. So too are the gains of the black revolt of the 1960's. And so also are the gains of the working class of the 1930's. The US capitalist class want to increase its control over all sections of the working class and to push women workers further into the role of providing cheap labor and a new workforce.

But they are stirring up a huge opposition. The right wing had to retreat when funding Planned Parenthood was cut. Now the seriously mentally disturbed and extreme right wing Republican Party leader Limbaugh has had to offer a half an apology after he called a young women who was speaking for contraceptive rights a "slut" and a "prostitute." The Republican Party is so bad they could not get anybody to condemn his remarks. Another Republican suggested that Obama's mother might have had sex with a dog.

Along with Limbaugh comes the extreme right wing fanatic Santorum, a member of the vicious right wing Catholic organization Opes Dei, and a supporter of the cultish order of priests known as the Legion of Christ. Its founder was accused for years of abusing seminarians. Santorum made two visits to Rome to meet the unelected leader of the anti women organization the Catholic Church. According to reports when this incomplete man heard that Santorum had at that time six children he told him he was a "great man." Well actually it was Santorum's wife who had the six children.

The Catholic Church, the main church of capitalism, is very much in the leadership of this offensive against women in the US. Dolan who calls himself a cardinal and controls the New York Catholic outfit and is president of the US conference of Catholic Bishops, not a women amongst them, calls on Catholics to be "very active, very informed and very involved in politics." This character's speech came in advance of his outfit's "lobbying day" in Albany the New York state capital, that is bribing and blackmailing the state's politicians. He said he wanted to hire more "attractive, articulate, intelligent," laywomen to speak against abortion. He went on: "In the public square, I hate to tell you the days of fat balding Irish bishops are over."

But just in case there was any confusion arising from his call to the membership of the church to mobilize he made clear who was still in charge. He said about Obama's call for the bishops to listen to "the enlightened voices of accommodation within the church." Dolan was having none of this. He quickly stated that the his cabal of unelected old men rule and that is that. He said: "We kind of got our Irish up when leaders in government seemed to be assigning an authoritative voice to Catholic groups that are not bishops. If you want an authoritative voice go to the bishops. They are the ones that speak for the truths of the faith." Yes undemocratic, extreme right wing, pro capitalist, anti women, led by old as Joyce called them "incomplete men." And i am not even getting to where the present pope was a member of the Hitler Youth.

US capitalist politics are getting sicker by the day. The top bourgeois mobilized the right wing christian right into the Republican party over the last forty years in order to push through their policies. The republican Party is now under the thumb of this mixture of extreme right wing religious nuts, idiots, paranoid freaks, racist and sexist idiots. The situation is ripe and over ripe for a workers party. But because of the refusal of the union leaders to lead and the mistakes of the left what will probably happen instead in the short term is that Obama will get another term. Or a new mass movement will explode either from the right of the left and leave US politics in tatters. Or of course they could bomb Iran and this could cut across the economic growth that exists and plunge US society into an entirely new era.


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